

The OLX Social Media Awards 2014Winners gala event went down last night at the Safari Park Hotel. This is the second year of the awards and they were created to appreciate Kenya’s social media users, corporates and individuals, who use social media to influences other positively.
Below are the OLX Social Media Awards 2014 (SOMA) full list of winners:

Most Influential Facebook personality

  1. Rita Oyier – Winner
  2. Stephen Musyoka
  3. Cabu Gah
  4. Dennis Maladit
  5. XtianDela

Most influential twitter personality

  1. Xtiandela – Winner
  2. Boniface Mwangi
  3. Sitawa Wafula
  4. Chief Kariuki
  5. Sunny bindra

Most influential Instagram personality
1. ThisIsEss – Winner
2. MutuaMatheka
3. Misskihoro
4. Vera sidika
5. Benkiruthi

Most promising new blogger
1.– Winner
2. ernestwamboye.blogspot.c om

Corporation with best customer care
1. Safaricom – Winner
2. Chase Bank
3. Airtel
4. Jambo Jet
5. Orange
Corporation with most creative campaign

  1. Aromat – Unilever – Winner
  2. Open your eyes – by Safaricom
  3. Tembea Kenya – KWS
  4. Chasepreneuer – Chase Bank
  5. Hands off our elephants

Most influential corporate personality
1. Bob Collymore – Winner
2. Ory Okolloh
3. Peter Nduati
4. Gina Din Kariuki
5. Mohammed Hersi

SME of the year
1. Ma3Route – Winner
2. Eat Out Kenya
3. PikaChakula
4. Buy Rent Kenya
5. SandStorm Kenya

Most Influential SME personality

  1. Eric Kinoti – Winner
  2. Sunny Bindra
  3. Aly Khan Satchu
  4. Ahmednasir Abdullahi
  5. Gatwiri Murungi

Most active State Corporation
1. Kenya Power – Winner
2. Kenya Tourism Board
3. Kenya Airports Authority
4. State House
5. KWS

Most active county government
1. Nairobi – Winner
2. Kiambu
3. Meru
4. Elgeyo Marakwet
5. Mombasa

Most influential government personality
1. Alfred Mutua – Winner
2. Amb. Amina Mohamed
3. Mike Sonko
4. Jane Waikenda
5. Sakaja Johnson

Television show
1. NTV – The Trend with Larry Madowo – Winner
2. KTN – Jeff Koinange Live
3. NTV – Tujuane
4. Citizen TV – Sunday Live
5. NTV – Churchill Show

Radio show
1. Capital FM – The Jam – Winner
2. HBR – G money in the Morning
3. Milele FM – Bangaiza
4. Radio Jambo – Teketeke with Mbusina Lion
5. One FM – Drive

News channel
1. Citizen TV Kenya – Winner
2. Capital FM Kenya
3. K24 TV
4. KTN Kenya
5. NTV Kenya

Most influential Media personality
1. Daniel Ndambuki AKA King’ang’i – Winner

  1. Adelle Onyango
  2. Jeff Koinange
  3. Julie Gichuru
  4. Maina Kageni

Best use of social media for entertainment
1. Sauti Sol – Winner

  1. Buni.TV – XYZ
  2. Ghetto Radio
  3. Pulse Magazine
  4. Kiss TV – Live on
    Blast Club AfterBurn

Best use of social media for charity
1. Beyond Zero Campaign – Winner
2. Eddah Hope Cancer Foundation
3. Hands off our elephants
4. Kenya Red Cross
5. Safaricom Foundation

Best use Social media by learning institution
1. Kenyatta University – Winner
3. UON
4. Zetech College
5. Strathmore University

Overall personality of the year
1. Daniel Ndambuki AKA King’ang’i – Winner
2. Amb. Amina Mohamed
3. Xtiandela
4. Mike Sonko
5. Paula Kahumbu

Overall organization of the year
1. Safaricom – Winner
2. Chase Bank
3. Eatout Kenya
4. Kenya power
5. Kenya Tourism Board


For LADIES! 10 Foods That Ensures Bigger br3asts. DON’T use CHEMICALS!

If you are interested in increasing your chest size naturally without surgery, changing your diet something you should consider. It is important to realize that food by itself cannot induce chest growth. For that you need chest enlargement herbs. However, without the amino acids and phytoestrogens that are contained in certain foods, your brsts will not grow as much as they should, no matter how many herbs you take. The following ten foods are both good for you and available in any grocery store. Simply add them in your diet to boost your natural chest enlargement program
1. Alfalfa sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts are rich inphytoestrogens and other nutrients that promote chest growth.
2. Avocado
Avocado contains amino acids and other nutrients that promote growth of the br
3. Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens, which stimulate chest growth.
4. Milk
Milk is high in protein and also contains naturally occurring estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin, which are needed for chest growth.
5. Nuts
Nuts are high in monosaturated fat, which promotes chest growth.
6. Parsley
Parsley is a plant which stimulates the production of estrogen and even regulates hormonal disorders.
7. Seafood
Seafood contains high levels of manganese, which helps to increase s*x hormones, thus. promoting the growth of chest tissue. Seafood also makes the chest tissues more susceptible to estrogen.
8. Soy
Soy products are rich in isoflavones and help fight the free radicals and cancer cells that might grow in chest tissues. It is also very rich in phytoestrogens, the hormone largely responsible for chest growth.
9. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are high in protein, which increases chest volume.
10. Whey protein
Protein is crucial to any chest enlargement program. Although including meat, poultry, and fish in your diet is an good way to boost chest growth, whey protein is an even more concentrated protein food.. If you want to grow your brsts naturally, you can boost your progress by eating these ten foods.The best part of the natural chest enlargement experience is that aimost everything you do for chest growth also benefits your overall health in some way. Bigger brsts and better health: what a great combination!



We all know that being in love with someone give you a beautiful and unforgettable feelings.
Now to keep that special someone, ladies there are things you’ll need to keep in mind.
So here are 20 important facts you need to keep in mind to make you man stay in that relationship with you:

  1. When you keep calm as a lady, you drive him
    crazy, keeping him thinking that there is some thing peculiar about you.
  2. When he send’s you abusive message, do not reply back with abusive word, if you must reply. Write “am sorry”. Or thank you.
  3. No man liked to be talked back to. If you must be a wife material, just shot up. When he is calm, talk things over. Don’t be arrogant, be humble.

4. Don’t be carried away by your beauty. Have you
not seen beautiful ladies that are still single till date? Your good character will keep him.
5. Do not compare him with your EX. There are
thousands of other ladies out there. Forget about the past,old things have past way.

6. Don’t always be at the receiving end, buy him
some thing, no matter how little it is, whether he has thousands of it, just buy it, yours is unique.
7. Be industrious, men like ladies with industrious

8. Respect him and his family members.
9. Be a good cook, learn how to cook something.
10. Call him when you have credit, don’t be a
chronic flasher. Don’t always wait for him to call.
11. Value yourself, and he will value you.
12. Because he doesn’t have today does not make
him poor, look at what drives Him.
13. Look out, if he is a time waster or he is for real.
14. Can he “fight” both physical and spiritual for you?
15. Where is He? In God’s presence or on the other
16. If he stammers, when he is introducing you to
friends and family member. Run.
17. What you can’t change in Him now that you are dating, am sorry in marriage you wont be able to change it either, or you will spend the rest of. your life trying to change him.

18. You are dating and he punches you at every
slightest misunderstanding. Sorry, when you marry him, your bed room will be a “changing room” and your pallor a “boxing Ring”
19. Every little time, he threaten to break up with you. You start crying, if you leave me i will die. Taaaa! Come off it, who told you? A better person who will value you is coming. Relax.

20. Above all. Ask yourself! What is GOD saying
about the Relationship? May God open your eyes if you ar already into one, and if you are still searching May God lead you in Jesus Name.


Alas! CORAZON Again???..That Flesh is so tempting! Take a look

Fast rising Kenyan socialite, Corazon Kwamboka, recently decided to entertain her social media fans by sharing some very s3ductive photos of herirresistibleflesh. The bootylicious socialite left little to imagination as she flaunted her s3xy thighs in these super-s3xy photos.
Take a look


HUDDAH MONROE gets extremely naughty and exposes her private parts. 21 Only

Controversial socialite, Huddah Monroe, has decided to take things to another level after she posed half- nak3d, in a manner that nearly exposed her private parts.

The petite socialite left little to imagination and while many men were left salivating on her s3xy assets, other ladies viewed her with a green-eyed monster.
Without further ado, take a look at these Photos that have left tongues wagging.