5 Ways To Make Your Woman Feel Sexy

Women are naturally sexy. The problem with them, however, is that they easily get insecure. Women expend a lot of energy trying to attract and maintain male interest, so making the woman you’re with feel desirable is crucially important. Here are some simple ways in which you can make your woman feel as sexy and wonderful as you find her to be.1. Be generous with affection
Nothing makes a woman feel more wanted, loved, and completely beautiful than genuine affection. Run your hands gently through her hair, rub the small of her back, hold her tight, and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. These actions are guaranteed to make your girl melt and overflow with warm confidence.

2. Give her genuine compliments
Women enjoy being adored, so each day tell your woman what you love about her in full detail. Compliment her not only on her looks, but also on her accomplishments, talents and abilities. It could be how she moves her hips, how she flips her hair, or how she wears a dress or a certain pair of jeans. Whatever it is that makes you head over heels in love, tell her specifically.

3. Buy Her Sexy Clothing
If you want your woman to feel sexy, then make her appear sexy. Other than lingerie, buy her clothes that accentuate her curves and highlight her assets. When she’s wearing the items you selected for her, tell her how beautiful you think she is and how good she looks in them. Expressing how much you like her body in her new items may encourage her to be happier with her self image, awaken her sexuality and could be even more fun for you when she wears them!

4. Give her a sensual bath
Giving your woman a sensual bath can be a heavenly experience if you know what you’re doing. Keep in mind this type of bath is not intended to cleanse her body; it’s to help her feel relaxed, sexy and spoiled. Simply light a couple of candles, provide a nice drink (that you know she likes) and let her relax and be pampered with no interruptions at all.

5. Simply tell her how sexy she is
Nothing can make your woman feel sexy than by simply telling her how sexy she is. Tell her how great she looks, that she’s extremely sexy and that you’d like to see her naked more often. This will do wonders for her self-esteem. Simply pausing, ogling her and always acknowledging the effort she puts in to look special for you will let her know that you are turned on and do wonders for her confidence and self-esteem.


ladies this is how  Men Think Of The Different Types Of Bras you wear..

1. ‘The padded bra”


This makes the woman’s chest look fuller; it brings out the shape of her twins and makes the man wish his hands can replace the lucky pads.

2. “The sports bra”


Yes, her chest may not jump up and down as she actively works out or goes all sporty, but this makes the man see fitness and sexiness in her at the same time. Uuhh, the wonder of tight fittings.

3. “The clear strap bra”


This brings out an element of mystery. It makes him concentrate on her skin; her arms and shoulders. It makes him want to trace the clear straps with his playful fingers, may be they might lead him to the peek of her two protruding hills.

4. “The non-padded bra”


This brings out her feminine softness, her chest perfectly pushes out and depending on how cold it is or how aroused she is, he can get a view of her two hard grapes poking out through the thin fabric.

5. “The push-up bra”


One word for this: CLEAVAGE!

6. “The laced bra”


This bra is more like lingerie, absolute eye candy. It loudly speaks out sensuality. He looks at his woman feeling romantic, and a sense elegance and maturity. He wants it removed but not in a hurry, because it really looks good on her; so classic, grown and sexy.

7. “The strapless bra”


This is the one that amuses yet puzzles. She wears a bare back, he looks at her back and sees no bra but her front looks dressed. He wonders how she can just put on a strapless thing and it doesn’t fall off. The woman’s body makes for some good study

8. “No bra

He smiles when his woman let’s the twins loose. Or when she wears a dress or t-shirt and sees the twins free, what a view!

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LADIES, THIS IS How Men Think Of The Different Types Of Bras You Wear.


Is it normal for a partner to fall asleep just after having sex, and does the fatigue sometimes lasts for more than 24 hours? What can I do to make him more resistant?
Many women still seek the answers to these questions. Is it abnormal to fall asleep after intercourse? Not at all. The tiredness that appears after intercourse is a natural reaction of the human body to the effort it has made.
But most times, if a man does not cuddle up with his woman after he has had sex, and if he does not talk and if he simply lays on his back and goes to sleep, it is natural for a woman to jump to conclusions, thinking her partner is simply not satisfied.

Their beliefs are wrong. Here are some real reasons men fall asleep after intercourse:

  1. _____Sex during the night, especially when the human body is already tired, becomes the first argument for the state of sleepiness that occurs after having sex. The actual intercourse does not even have to be very ‘solicitating’. You should keep in mind that sex, by its nature, is very relaxing.*


Men ejaculate during orgasm, and the hormones that are set free induce the state of lethargy. The sleep sensation manifests more intensely than on a regular basis. Even if the tension of the body is a positive one, it is also a very big, almost exhausting one.


Plenty of people tend to hold their breath from time to time while they are having sex. Its rhythm becomes abrupt and the pulse intensifies. Therefore, there is a lack of oxygen, which contributes to the need to rest – nothing serious, everything comes back to normality in the postlude.


The state of sleep should be interpreted in a positive way, because it proves the fact that you have reached an orgasm and that everything has gone alright. In rare cases, men who are exhausted during and after intercourse, on a longer period of time may suffer from medical problems. In this case, leave your inhibitions and self-pride aside and have a complete check-up.

Quick tip 1

If you are looking for a quick solution, drink coffee before going to bed with your partner. We cannot say that it is a long-term solution, but it is also an effective erotic stimulus. Caffeine can be your main ally in the fight against tiredness; but it can also harm as it can affect the nervous system, making one over excited and under revved.

Quick tip 2

Really refreshing is a citrus, especially a grapefruit, very cold, right from the fridge. At the opposite pole we find alcohol. Do not use it in large quantities; its effect is exactly the opposite.
On the other hand, women’s bodies react different; for them the sensations during an orgasm are a stimulus. They could be more willing to go for a second ’round’. But still, what can women do to make men more resistant? Don’t worry, as men being men, ‘refill’ themselves!

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During my second attendance of the Poetry gala at Goethe Institute Nairobi sometimes back in August this year, I together with some serious Poets ( NOT cheap, loquacious spoken word artists who props to the stage after smoking bang with Uncensored lines) were privileged to be hosted for a dinner by poet Samwel Gichini at Serena Hotel and then the surrounding inspired this question from one of us “WHERE DID THE ADMIRABLE PANTY LINES ON OUR WOMEN DISAPPEARED TO? OR , WHY DID OUR WOMEN DECIDE TO ‘ERASE’ THEIR PANTY LINES? ” .

This generated a two hour heated debate about what got into our women’s mind to do away with what they once enjoyed much especially up to around the year 2012 . In fact some of our women who lacked huge booty used to wear their pants inside out to give a perfect baseline. This was a way of giving men a gift of sexual imagination or forged intimate feelings ex gratia.
Mary Oweke, a business lady who has been selling panties in Kisumu’s Oile Market for the past 10 years also confirms this, that recently, panties have not been selling the way it used to sell some three or so years back. According to her, there was a time when ladies were obsessed with bikers and later thongs , but currently she is not away of the trending female’s inner wear in town. She also suspects that our women gave up in wearing panties or anything of the same, just as they did away with ‘khamisi’ . Panties have become useful only when our women are experiencing their monthly periods where they strictly use them as equipments of attaching their pads.
Panty less dressing has been a de rigueur for most women in Kenya not only in night clubs but also in offices and every other places. In fact, a modern Kenyan woman today considers a fellow woman who wear a panty as primitive, uninformed and off trend. I once visited a National Bank branch in Nairobi and by stealing a look under the service table, I realized that the lady who was attending to me didn’t have a pant but wore a very nice expensive suit. This was an extreme bullying to any male customer whose eyes could have led him to where mine led me or a fantasizing imagination for some men. I wondered why a lady with a skirt decides not to wear a panty and exposes her ‘fundamental’ to the free some public. In Kenya about 90% of women who wear trousers and 60% of those who wear skirts are literarily naked. These are the TEN reasons why our women DON’T WEAR PANTIES.

  1. There is a conspiracy theory that wearing Panties decrease the sexual urge in women . these theorists argue that women who wear panties takes quite a long time to start off during sexual / romancing session than the ones who don’t.

  1. Some women find wearing panties quite pressing and just want to feel free. They are kind of trying to acquire that ‘freeness’ in them especially in areas with hot or moderate weather like Mombasa, Kisumu and North Eastern region.

  1. The sweat at the private part region related with tight pants create an unpleasant odor when mixed with the natural smell generated at that region and other body parts and this at times is an embarrassment to them. (women)
  2. Some women easily generate sexual (vaginal) fluid at the slightest touch by a man (especially when hugged by a man , pecked or any sensitive touch that is sexually arousing) . This fluid always give a very bad smell when dried on a pant. The production of this fluid is also increased by the tight contact of the vagina by the pant.

  1. Some women are basically prostitutes who see panties as a factor limiting the effectiveness of their businesses. It is quite tiresome to pull down your panty every time a customer comes your way so they have decided to do without it. A prostitute, by this I don’t mean a commercial sex worker but all the women who are obsessed by the act of having sex , be it with their husbands, boyfriends or sex clients.
  2. Some women are bullies and want to torture men by their nakedness. It is surprising that most of these women who wear no pants don’t hide it. They expose it to men when they have that chance of doing it. Their main intention is to psychologicallyinduce a feeling of sexual urge in men and enjoy as they undergo this experience.
    For example ,the cheapest female panty at Mama Mary’s stall at Oile market in Kisumu is Ksh 120 and this translates to someone’s daily income, hence seeing a panty as a luxury.

Some women don’t wear parts because other don’t wear. They think it is a trending fashion and don’t want to be left out. They don’t know its meaning and neither have they bothered to ask what it means.


For LADIES! 10 Foods That Ensures Bigger br3asts. DON’T use CHEMICALS!

If you are interested in increasing your chest size naturally without surgery, changing your diet something you should consider. It is important to realize that food by itself cannot induce chest growth. For that you need chest enlargement herbs. However, without the amino acids and phytoestrogens that are contained in certain foods, your brsts will not grow as much as they should, no matter how many herbs you take. The following ten foods are both good for you and available in any grocery store. Simply add them in your diet to boost your natural chest enlargement program
1. Alfalfa sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts are rich inphytoestrogens and other nutrients that promote chest growth.
2. Avocado
Avocado contains amino acids and other nutrients that promote growth of the br
3. Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens, which stimulate chest growth.
4. Milk
Milk is high in protein and also contains naturally occurring estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin, which are needed for chest growth.
5. Nuts
Nuts are high in monosaturated fat, which promotes chest growth.
6. Parsley
Parsley is a plant which stimulates the production of estrogen and even regulates hormonal disorders.
7. Seafood
Seafood contains high levels of manganese, which helps to increase s*x hormones, thus. promoting the growth of chest tissue. Seafood also makes the chest tissues more susceptible to estrogen.
8. Soy
Soy products are rich in isoflavones and help fight the free radicals and cancer cells that might grow in chest tissues. It is also very rich in phytoestrogens, the hormone largely responsible for chest growth.
9. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are high in protein, which increases chest volume.
10. Whey protein
Protein is crucial to any chest enlargement program. Although including meat, poultry, and fish in your diet is an good way to boost chest growth, whey protein is an even more concentrated protein food.. If you want to grow your brsts naturally, you can boost your progress by eating these ten foods.The best part of the natural chest enlargement experience is that aimost everything you do for chest growth also benefits your overall health in some way. Bigger brsts and better health: what a great combination!



We all know that being in love with someone give you a beautiful and unforgettable feelings.
Now to keep that special someone, ladies there are things you’ll need to keep in mind.
So here are 20 important facts you need to keep in mind to make you man stay in that relationship with you:

  1. When you keep calm as a lady, you drive him
    crazy, keeping him thinking that there is some thing peculiar about you.
  2. When he send’s you abusive message, do not reply back with abusive word, if you must reply. Write “am sorry”. Or thank you.
  3. No man liked to be talked back to. If you must be a wife material, just shot up. When he is calm, talk things over. Don’t be arrogant, be humble.

4. Don’t be carried away by your beauty. Have you
not seen beautiful ladies that are still single till date? Your good character will keep him.
5. Do not compare him with your EX. There are
thousands of other ladies out there. Forget about the past,old things have past way.

6. Don’t always be at the receiving end, buy him
some thing, no matter how little it is, whether he has thousands of it, just buy it, yours is unique.
7. Be industrious, men like ladies with industrious

8. Respect him and his family members.
9. Be a good cook, learn how to cook something.
10. Call him when you have credit, don’t be a
chronic flasher. Don’t always wait for him to call.
11. Value yourself, and he will value you.
12. Because he doesn’t have today does not make
him poor, look at what drives Him.
13. Look out, if he is a time waster or he is for real.
14. Can he “fight” both physical and spiritual for you?
15. Where is He? In God’s presence or on the other
16. If he stammers, when he is introducing you to
friends and family member. Run.
17. What you can’t change in Him now that you are dating, am sorry in marriage you wont be able to change it either, or you will spend the rest of. your life trying to change him.

18. You are dating and he punches you at every
slightest misunderstanding. Sorry, when you marry him, your bed room will be a “changing room” and your pallor a “boxing Ring”
19. Every little time, he threaten to break up with you. You start crying, if you leave me i will die. Taaaa! Come off it, who told you? A better person who will value you is coming. Relax.

20. Above all. Ask yourself! What is GOD saying
about the Relationship? May God open your eyes if you ar already into one, and if you are still searching May God lead you in Jesus Name.


A South African named ‘Allan West’ caused Uproar on Twitter when he leaked Nak*d picture of his Ex girlfriend with the Caption ‘Consequences of breakin up wth me ‘

He Received a lot of bashing from Twitter users as they went hard abusing him and calling him all sort of names, Despite the insult, he went ahead and posted another Picture with the Caption ‘The more they dump me…the more nudes! ‘ showing another nak*d girl…

Ladies, be smart and careful with who you share your nude pix with!


COLONEL MUSTAPHA accused of using V!@GR@,But he has this to say.

Talented Kenyan artist, Colonel Mustapha, has dismissed claims that he uses s3x enhancement drugs to satisfy ladies in bed. Laying his sentiments via social media, theLobokohit maker, challenged all the ladies who doubt his bedroom skills to see him in private.
Mustapha was responding to one of his fans, who claims to have read an article published in a local publication that alleges that he has been using V!@gr@ since he can’t rise up to the occasion.
In the article, a popular socialite, who claims to have once been in a relationship with him said,” He is just a loud mouth. For the entire time I dated him, he could not rise to the occasion in bed. He needs something like viagra to get the engine started. That is how I got dissatisfied and left him.
However, Mustapha, who was once in a controversial relationship with socialite Huddah Monroe , has made it clear that he does not use V!@gr@.
Here’s his tweet dismissing the rumours,viagra