ALFRED MUTUA is so humble, Few Governors can do what he did his County(PHOTOs)

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Machakos Governor, Dr.Alfred Mutua is a very humble man. During his recent tour of Machakos water project at Muri Farm, Ndithini Ward in Masinga Sub County, he was forced to seek an unconventional refuge from rain when pours started as he addressed the residents of Kayole Market.

Muri Farm, Ndithini Ward in Masinga Sub County

                                ravaging downpour.

Gota ju ya hiyo story!


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Controversial blogger has never been afraid to talk his mind and sometimes he can step on your toes and the super arrogant blogger has never been apologetic.

He thrives in controversy and takes advantage of situations like this to attract some more Twitter followers or something  check some of his tweets here >>>ROBERT ALAI ON TWITTER!!<<<. As one of his followers put it, the guy only shines when there is a tragedy and that it is naive to think that he will not use this tragedy(Kajwang’s demise) to get some mileage, some hits, some traffic, some trend or any other petty metric.But I’m not the one to judge and I’ll go straight to the screenshots of the posts he did earlier. Check them out;



GOOGLE ranks Kenya the Country with the highest number of people Searching GAY P()RN.

A surprising country has topped Google’s rankings for searching for pictures of gay s3x.

Anti-gay laws and strong social stigma appear to be doing nothing to abate the curiosity of everyday people – with Kenya’s searches for gay sex outranking those of all Western countries.
Kenya tops the Google trends rankings for both ‘gay s3x pics‘ and ‘gay porn pics‘, with an extraordinarily high search index.
South Africa came second, follow by Nigeria and Pakistan – with the US and UK ranking a distant seventh and eighth.
92% of the Kenyan population agree that homosexuality is ‘unacceptable’, while having s3x “against the order of nature” in the country can carry a prison sentence of up to 21 years.
MPs in the country recently discussed a new anti-gay bill that would see gay people sentenced to death by stoning.
The Anti-Homosexuality Bill would introduce harsh punishments for homos3xuality, with life imprisonment or the death penalty for ‘aggravated homos3xuality’.
The bill’s author, Edward Onwong’a Nyakeriga, said: “The petition aims at providing a comprehensive and enhanced legislation to protect the cherished culture of the people of Kenya, legal, religious and traditional family values against the attempts of s3xual rights activists seeking to impose their values of s3xual promiscuity on the people of Kenya.
“There is need to protect children and youth who are vulnerable to s3xual abuse and deviation as a result of cultural changes, uncensored information technology, parentless child developmental settings and increasing attempts by homos3xuals to raise children in homos3xual relationships through adoption, foster care or otherwise.”
Courtesy of Pink News


Popular Sports journalist with The Standard Group, Oscar Pilipili, passes on.

Many of you saw the Name Oscar Pilipili On your standard newspapers Mostly in the Sports section.
Pilipili who joined The Group in 1998, was based in Nairobi and had just returned from Dar es Salaam where he covered the East African Schools Games.
He was aged 43.
His widow, Janet Shichei, confirmed Oscar died early yesterday after battling with flu and breathing problems that started while he was in Dar. They had a daughter aged 15.
National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOCK) top officials Kip Keino (chairman), FK Paul (secretary) and Fridah Shiroya (treasurer) sent their messages of condolences.
“We take this early opportunity to condole with The Standard Group and the family and friends of Oscar Pilipili for such a great loss. May the Lord rest his soul in eternal peace,” said the Nock statement.

Kenya Table Tennis Association chairman Andrew Mudibo also sent a message from the Executive Committee members and the table tennis fraternity.
“I would like to convey our sincere condolences to the family of Oscar Pilipili, who was a brother and a dear friend to all of us and a well refined journalist.

“I have personally grown up with Oscar in my years of Sports Administration and he was one of the few people I have known who never spoke ill of anyone but carried out his work as a professional.
“Our prayers are with the family at this moment in time and we ask God to give them courage and peace,” he said.

Other condolences came from Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF) chairman, Waithaka Kioni, Football Kenya Federation President of FKF Sam Nyamweya and national hockey coach, Jos Openda.
His colleagues across the country were devastated by Oscar’s demise. Sadness engulfed the newsrooms in Mombasa Road and I&M Building.

Group Public Editor John Bundotich and Senior Associate Editor (Sports) Omulo Okoth sent their condolences. Chris Mbaisi, who is chairman of Sports Journalists Association, also sent a message of condolences from the sports media fraternity.


A Form Four student at Nyakeore Secondary School delivered triplets through Caesarian Section at Nyamira County Hospital Tuesday night

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A Form Four student in Nyamira County has delivered triplets after a successful caesarean section operation. The girl delivered three bouncing baby girls at Nyamira County Hospital Thursday. She is expected to sit her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations … Continue reading

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Dreamliner first Africa female captain Irene Koki lands Kenya Airways new plane at JKIA

Africa’s first black female Boeing 787 Dreamliner certified Captain, Irene Koki Mutungi, jetted into the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) Thursday afternoon to deliver Kenya Airways’ fourth Dreamliner.
In a feat that will go down history as a first in Africa’s aviation industry, the Kenya Airways crew that flew in the new aircraft also included a female Flight Purser, Load Master and Cabin Crew.
The wide-bodied plane’s delivery from the manufacturer’s- Boeing Corporation- Assembly Site in Charleston, South Carolina, in the United States to Kenya Airways’ Nairobi hub, now pushes KQ’s fleet count to 37 planes in active operation.
Globally, Captain Koki is highly regarded as the first black female pilot certified to captain the state- of-the-art aircraft.
As part of its fleet renewal strategy, Kenya Airways, is in the process of taking delivery of five more Dreamliner airplanes from Boeing Corporation, to complete an order for nine such aircrafts.
The plane landed at exactly 12:45pm to a round of applause and ceremonial water cannon shower by the Kenya Airports Authority Fire Brigade team.
On hand to receive Captain Mutungi and her all ladies crew was Kenya Airways Finance Director Alex Mbugua who acknowledged the historical milestone in the delivery of the aircraft.
“This is a historical moment for Kenya Airways as we have proved to the world and our aviation peers of our deliberate commitment to human resource development by providing an equal opportunity to our sisters,” Mbugua said. “I look forward to a day in the near future when this aircraft will be managed by a 100% Ladies crew now that we have two first officers already undergoing certification training,” he added.
By receiving the fourth Dreamliner and with two more to go by October this year, Kenya Airways is maintaining its corporate focus on a strategic effort to renew its aircraft fleet to guarantee cost efficient service delivery.


Machakos Started on a High Note &Clearly Ending on a Higher Note.

The aspired biggest and official New
Year celebrations concert will take
Nairobi and its environs by storm, as
Kenya plans to usher in the New
Year. Kenyans and tourists will be
heading to Machakos People’s Park
for the biggest New Year countdown
concert. The concert commences at
2pm and it’s expected to offer
unforgettable nightlife experience.
The celebrations hosts two concert
respectively Countdown concert on
the 31st and Family Concert on the
1st Jan.
Dubbed the official ‘Good Times’, the
celebrations will for the first time
ever in Kenya feature Africa’s finest
artistes and deeejays, in what
promises to be the biggest New
Year’s Eve party the region has ever
“We know people love a good New
Year party, so what we’re promising
to deliver is not just a good
celebration, but a great experience
with massive firework, fantastic air
show and great music”, affirms Faith
Kithu Minister Tourism& Culture
Machakos County Government.
“We want to connect Machakos with
the world”, she adds.
Organized in conjunction with the
Beryll Foundation, Aero Club of East
Africa and Machakos County
Government the celebrations will be
viewed by over one million people
globally through live stream.
“This will not just be another New
Year’s Eve party; this will be The
Night, so we’re guaranteeing you a
night to remember,” says Henri
Carlos, the celebrations Executive
Producer. “We’re talking massive
sound, good music and bright lights.
In line with responsible drinking
campaign, the organizers will be
maintaining a strict ‘over 18 only’
policy during the countdown concert,
and has put in place measures to
verify age on entry, in addition to
providing maximum security to
ensure that revelers have a good
time in a safe environment.
The celebrations aspire to global
standards of similar celebrations
held in Sydney Bridge, Tokyo Towers,
London Thames River, New York
Times Square and Dubai’s Burj
Khalifa, the world‘s tallest tower.
The organizers are calling upon
corporate to seize the opportunity to
position their brands. The biggest
New Year celebration delivers an
enjoyable experience of the highest
quality to patrons as well as a
rewarding experience to sponsors.
The celebrations countdown is on at