A matter of perspective

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“For everything you have missed, you have gained something. For everything you gain, you have lost something else. It is about your outlook towards life. You either regret or rejoice.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life’s simply a matter of perspective. Everyone’s fighting a hard battle, every single person we meet has lost someone they’ll never get back. Each and every one of us wishes for something that, most probably, we’ll never have.

But what we think about all this is crucial.

I’m going to be honest. When I think about the whole half-full/half-empty glass thing, I’m usually the one who thinks of himself as being without a glass.

And it’s not about envy or greed or whatever, because I don’t like to compare myself to others. It’s just that I have this grand vision of who I should be as a person, and most times I fell short of that. I always see myself as I really am when I look in the mirror, and yet I can clearly see who I want to be.

And the two are not alike.

Funny thing, but those two are never alike. What we choose to do about it, though, is what really matters.

Do we panic? Do we give up? Do we make ourselves miserable?

It’s not about the destination, but about the journey. It’s not about reaching a place, but about realizing that the long road toward that place is, in fact, the place itself.

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There’s no pursuit of happiness. There’s no reaching for something.

It’s just us and the long and winding road.

It’s just us and life.

And the way we choose to see things.

But maybe it’s worth remembering once in a while that we never see things as they are. Our vision is distorted by who we are. We perceive everything around us through a lens composed of qualities and flaws. We compare and we remember and we analyze.

The things that no longer are will always be compared to what is. Or what could be. Or what will be.

We try to make sense of things. To find meaning.

But let me ask you a question: do you think that “meaning” is something to be found? Or given? Created from all our previous experiences?

Do you think that we find who we are after years and years of wandering or do we create that self?

What I’m really trying to say is that how we look at things is how we look at ourselves. What we see around us is what we see inside us. If there’s no beauty and magic in the world, you’ll never find beauty and magic in yourself. Or happiness.

Kenya’s Most Beautiful University Campuses

There are campuses and there are beautiful campuses. With the mushrooming universities all over the country, aesthetic may just be the defining factor that will make students choose a particular campus over another. Of course the learning environment contributes to the overall performance of students. Try concentrating on a Math derivation on a building next to a busy road and you will agree with me. Granted, beauty is subjective. No parent says their kid is ugly. So this is my list of what I think is five of the most beautiful campuses in Kenya. You can agree or disagree on the comment section.


2. KU

3. UoN

4. Strathmore



lets start from number 5 !

5. The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)

At number five is CUEA in Langata, Nairobi. The expansive campus has maintained the up market Karen feel with large green spaces doted with trees. In spite of the buildings coming up in the campus, CUEA has tried to keep in harmony with the environment. The new library, which also houses the ultra-modern hall that housed the Jubilee Communication Centre during the elections, is arguably the best University library in the region. Everything is automated including borrowing and returning books. Now that’s digital. Most buildings including lecture halls have natural light minimizing on the use of too much energy for light.



4. Strathmore University

The University has really come of age, investing on the infrastructure and the students in a massive way. The architecture of some of the new buildings is simply breathtaking. The student centre/cafeteria and the Strathmore Business School building particularly stand out. But the lack of green spaces and enough trees steals the shine from Strathmore.



3. University of Nairobi

The oldest and biggest university in Kenya has kept its clean and grandeur look. You may not notice the beauty of UoN Main Campus from outside but once you are in, you forget you are in the CBD. The university is surrounded by a very well maintained green environment that one wonders how it is one of the most ancient universities in the country. Chiromo campus is also notably beautiful with a lot of trees and areas where students can chill outside and study. The iconic Fountain of Knowledge stands out though the JKM Library needs an upgrade.


2. Kenyatta University


k.u post mordern library


k.u main gate

This ‘University City’ has transformed over the last few years to become a pace setter in Kenya’s higher education. Visitors often get lost in the massive campus on Thika road. But thanks to the administration, the labeled street signs and direction boards give clear directions. The streets are clean and fences well manicured. The jewel of KU campus is the post-modern Library which lights up beautifully at night.

1. United States International University (USIU)

And the most beautiful University in Kenya goes to USIU. You get that calming feeling when you enter the campus. USIU has the best balance between infrastructure and the green spaces. The lawn is always maintained plus the lecture halls are up to international standards equipped with multimedia equipment. Just like KU, USIU’s library is the icing on the cake.

USIU campus

USIU Library

NYOTA NDOGO dares any man to strip her, She will shoot you, See her gun(PHOTO)

For the past few weeks, incidences of women being str!pp3d in public by shameless men have been on the rise.

These dreadful acts have left many ladies feeling unsafe and vulnerable. However, Coast based singer, Nyota Ndogo is not afraid of the criminals who are perpetuating the heinous acts as she has acquired a gun to defend herself in case anyone tries to strip her.

The mellow voiced singer took to social media to flaunt her lethal weapon as a warning to any man who tries to mess with her.

Check her out.

CONTROVERSIAL Former First Lady Lucy Kibaki is fighting for her life at the Nairobi Hospital


ailing lucy kibaki

After going for a routine checkup she complained of chest pains and was admitted at the South Wing of St Teresa’s private ward for closer observation.

This is the first public appearance she is making in four years after last being seen during the promulgation of the Constitution on August 27, 2010 at Uhuru Park.

Speculation had been rife since 2012 that Lucy Kibaki had died and that the matter was being kept secret.

Former President Mwai Kibaki’s press team denied the allegations and said that Lucy was in good health.


5 Ways To Make Your Woman Feel Sexy

Women are naturally sexy. The problem with them, however, is that they easily get insecure. Women expend a lot of energy trying to attract and maintain male interest, so making the woman you’re with feel desirable is crucially important. Here are some simple ways in which you can make your woman feel as sexy and wonderful as you find her to be.1. Be generous with affection
Nothing makes a woman feel more wanted, loved, and completely beautiful than genuine affection. Run your hands gently through her hair, rub the small of her back, hold her tight, and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. These actions are guaranteed to make your girl melt and overflow with warm confidence.

2. Give her genuine compliments
Women enjoy being adored, so each day tell your woman what you love about her in full detail. Compliment her not only on her looks, but also on her accomplishments, talents and abilities. It could be how she moves her hips, how she flips her hair, or how she wears a dress or a certain pair of jeans. Whatever it is that makes you head over heels in love, tell her specifically.

3. Buy Her Sexy Clothing
If you want your woman to feel sexy, then make her appear sexy. Other than lingerie, buy her clothes that accentuate her curves and highlight her assets. When she’s wearing the items you selected for her, tell her how beautiful you think she is and how good she looks in them. Expressing how much you like her body in her new items may encourage her to be happier with her self image, awaken her sexuality and could be even more fun for you when she wears them!

4. Give her a sensual bath
Giving your woman a sensual bath can be a heavenly experience if you know what you’re doing. Keep in mind this type of bath is not intended to cleanse her body; it’s to help her feel relaxed, sexy and spoiled. Simply light a couple of candles, provide a nice drink (that you know she likes) and let her relax and be pampered with no interruptions at all.

5. Simply tell her how sexy she is
Nothing can make your woman feel sexy than by simply telling her how sexy she is. Tell her how great she looks, that she’s extremely sexy and that you’d like to see her naked more often. This will do wonders for her self-esteem. Simply pausing, ogling her and always acknowledging the effort she puts in to look special for you will let her know that you are turned on and do wonders for her confidence and self-esteem.

Twitter Beef: According to Rapcha THE SAYANTIST , Mbusii is the Fakest radio presenter in kenya…CHECK OUT THIS BEEF,,,, #throwback_THURSDAYS

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You can remember very well on sunday september 31st , 2012, popular stand-up comedian Rapcha the Sayantist disrupted a quiet evening on Twitter by tearing into  radio  JAMBO’s  TEKETEKE show host, Mbusii.

“@IAMRAPCHA Shaffie might not be your favorite radio presenter but if you are my friend and want to blast him on the papers and the internet at least tell me, Respect family.”

If you were wondering why Rapcha would defend Shaffie so, he explains it in this tweet:

“@IAMRAPCHA Shaffie Weru’s granny took me in when my mama was down and out so i dont appreciate the fact that mbusi called him fake coz mbusi is fakest radio presenter.”

He then went on to explain why he thought Mbusii was fake:

“@IAMRAPCHA the whole model wording and tags lines and structure even the word mbusi kijana mdogo alie na mapoo, of goteana were taken from rauka.”

“@IAMRAPCHA from toto si toto,jaribu kutulia and of course the marriage between sheng and science, kujichosis etc etc arent your creation nigga!!.”


“@IAMRAPCHA The only thing mbusi came up with is kung’uta miwa and hakuna mbrr, thats the kind of s**t you come up with when your hobby is smoking weed and farting.”

“@IAMRAPCHA You cant claim to teach sheng while you’ve spent less than ten yrs in the city, u first know the city then the language not the other way round.”

During the barrage of insults, bystanders were caught by some of the vitriol. Rapcha also attacked Ghetto Radio’s Maji Maji.

“@IAMRAPCHA that applies to your adviser too, you teach sheng but you rap in your mother tongue?? Are you out of your f****n’ mind??”

“@IAMRAPCHA  Wacha ni deal na haka kashoga ka maji maji one time ndo kakalambe rasa”

Other tweets directed at Mbusii and Maji Maji:

“@IAMRAPCHA Tuanikane kwani iko nene?? Kaa umeshikilia dunia achilia tukufe. #mofo”

“IAMRAPCHA Its 2:45pm so STFU or tell kichwa maji maji to give money to the hired facebook army or face me on the muthafukin stage.”

“@IAMRAPCHA Warai birai nimeamua kusoma pisha…na hio ni seng kware hawatabui.”

Rapcha then threatened to go on with the hateration for a while:

“@IAMRAPCHA This entire week i’ll be droping tweets about mbusi lazima ukweli wakenya wajue mzuri ama mbaya ok lemmi say ‘musuri ama baya'”

“@IAMRAPCHA Si yeye alidiss shaffie kwa internet RT @Mike_marshall17: @IAMRAPCHA Ata kama jo! iyo c poa kudis msee kwa social sites.”

“@IAMRAPCHA I speak with an accent for fun and making money, you speak with an accent coz ur not capable of speaking without it.”

Mbusii has remained quiet over the incident on his own Twitter. The closest he got to getting back at Rapcha the Sayantist was this tweet:



“@Mbusii niko ra…ra..ra raha zangu club chomabase donny…na enjoy my realness..wolaaaan mashatter na mashattares! Ama iyo pia nimecopy?”

Before Mbusii’s Flight Goteana Show, Rapcha’s Rauka was the most popular show on the Ghetto Radio. Rumors has it that Rapcha was fired from the station after making an offensive joke on air. Rapcha is A STANDUP COMEDIAN and LOL and  currently a radio presenter on Hot 96, hosting one of the most popular reggae show in kenya > DROPZONE COUNTY ASSEMBLY alongside shix kapyenga.  
