
Nairobi Senator, Mike Sonko, never ceases to amaze with his creativity and understanding of the needs of his people. From his numerous initiatives, he has been applauded for his unique services that help Nairobians enjoy their lives more.
From his garbage collection enterprises to the fire safety and rescue team, Sonko has responded to most pressing needs of city dwellers. However, it is his latest initiative which is causing much stir in Nairobi.
In a recent post, a twitter user revealed that the Senator has unveiled the city’s first free public internet. Here is the original tweet:

Connecting to this network, users will enjoy high speed surfing without spending money to purchase bundles. @Wahedu had also shared a photo of his phone connecting to the network;

NAIROBI SENATOR MIKE SONKO, introduces Free Wifi In Nairobi. ..Have you enjoyed it?


A high percentage of students who get into Kenyan universities can be said to be fresh who are yet to be exposed to the dirtiest things of this world.

On the other hand, the remaining small percentage enters the university while they are already “dirty”.
In recent years when HELB was not a loan but a Grant, University students were respected by the society. The reason being that they themselves were role models to the young generation in the then society. What about now? Even a blind man can see the difference.

Universities have become the center of all evil in the society; the main drug centers, devil worshipers’ centers, Centers for sex trade among other things. It is only in the University where you find someone walking naked yet the person is referred to as well dressed.

The university student are the main perpetrators of all this evil activities that take place in this institutions of higher learning. Can they make good role models to the generation to come?

No not even in Hell.
What causes all these? No matter how you passed your KCSE and got yourself to the university of your dream that’s all this what many students say. Ooh they are comrades not students.

A lady gets to the university but after 1st semester she realizes the education life is not simple and she discovers ways of getting excellent grades. Call them Sexually Transmitted Grades(STGs) if you like. Same to some male comrades though not common. Yes you have the STGs with you what about the STIs/STDs. Do you care about your moral life. Where are the ethics that our great grandfathers would always teach us? Or who will teach us?

The quality of graduates is also being put to question. If this is all future teachers, doctors, Engineers, Economists among many other professionals do in the universities can they be trusted to perform to their best in the job market?

To better the future and have a generation on which the country can depend on things must change.

We must embrace moral ethics in the society. Of course if one goes against the society ethics he/she is not subjected to any punishment but let not leave what is good for the society behind in the name “Swag”

Are the Universities a Sign of How the Society is Rotten? Check out…


Grace Mukami Njuguna

a Kenyatta University student who died on Friday 19th September 2013 night is suspected to have committed suicide. Grace who is known to her friends as ‘Roxy’ is said to have been out drinking with friends on the fateful night. Roxy and friends were drinking late in the night at theThe Locust Bar.
She, together with her friends were having whiskey at The Locust Bar on Friday night when she allegedly had a disagreement with them. According to a friend who was with the deceased at the bar shortly before she died, ‘Roxy jumped off from a footbridge along Thika road and a car ran her over. Thats how she died.’
Family and friends were having meetings from Tuesday 23rd September 2014 in preparation for Roxy’s burial at Tumaini House 5th floor Behind Kencom House next to Uchumi House from 5:00 pm.
Roxy’s body was laid to rest at their home in Kevote, Embu on Saturday 27th September 2014 shortly after 3:00pm.

Here are Messages from Roxy’s friends and colleagues:

@tukei_ :“Today they lay Roxy to rest.A journey that shouldn’t have taken that path. Rest in Peace

@Roxy254. Hope you’re in a better place”
Stella Baiby Mumbi:“We will forever miss you…you were a little sister to me, i remember the times during my visits when Dee would scold you for being naughty and i would protect you and she always insisted she was shaping you…oh how time flew and you grew up to a fine lady…even then though we never met as an adult i always wished you the very best…i miss u dear one and now that you are gone may you rest in eternal peace till we meet again…fare thee well sleeping beauty.”

Faith Mutuku:“A beautiful soul, full of love and faith, ascended to heaven, away from us, but closer to God, leaving loneliness, sadness with immense heartache to all who knew and loved her. I break up with the entire family and friends. RIP Mukami.”
@JeffMaina:“I think @Roxy254 committed suicide out of either Anger or disappointment.

@Shiru_E. The two ladies she were with know better.”
Grace committed suicide on the same day she traveled to Nairobi to continue with her studies


GRACE MUKAMI, KU Student Committed Suicide, Colleagues Say..


City PASTOR bust3d having S£X with somebody’s wife in a Lodging along Thika Road(LOOK)

Of late, City pastors have been caught in countless scandals ranging from extortion, rape, con-games and all evil deeds that you may imagine of.
Today was no exception as a city pastor, who owns a church in Pumwani, was busted having s3x with somebody’s wife in a lodging.
The husband to the shameless woman had set a trap for them after learning that they were secretly engaging in s3xual escapades.
But in defence, the pastor claimed that he was praying for the woman despite being half-nak3d and covered with “fluids”.


For LADIES! 10 Foods That Ensures Bigger br3asts. DON’T use CHEMICALS!

If you are interested in increasing your chest size naturally without surgery, changing your diet something you should consider. It is important to realize that food by itself cannot induce chest growth. For that you need chest enlargement herbs. However, without the amino acids and phytoestrogens that are contained in certain foods, your brsts will not grow as much as they should, no matter how many herbs you take. The following ten foods are both good for you and available in any grocery store. Simply add them in your diet to boost your natural chest enlargement program
1. Alfalfa sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts are rich inphytoestrogens and other nutrients that promote chest growth.
2. Avocado
Avocado contains amino acids and other nutrients that promote growth of the br
3. Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens, which stimulate chest growth.
4. Milk
Milk is high in protein and also contains naturally occurring estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin, which are needed for chest growth.
5. Nuts
Nuts are high in monosaturated fat, which promotes chest growth.
6. Parsley
Parsley is a plant which stimulates the production of estrogen and even regulates hormonal disorders.
7. Seafood
Seafood contains high levels of manganese, which helps to increase s*x hormones, thus. promoting the growth of chest tissue. Seafood also makes the chest tissues more susceptible to estrogen.
8. Soy
Soy products are rich in isoflavones and help fight the free radicals and cancer cells that might grow in chest tissues. It is also very rich in phytoestrogens, the hormone largely responsible for chest growth.
9. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are high in protein, which increases chest volume.
10. Whey protein
Protein is crucial to any chest enlargement program. Although including meat, poultry, and fish in your diet is an good way to boost chest growth, whey protein is an even more concentrated protein food.. If you want to grow your brsts naturally, you can boost your progress by eating these ten foods.The best part of the natural chest enlargement experience is that aimost everything you do for chest growth also benefits your overall health in some way. Bigger brsts and better health: what a great combination!

click jaking

Clickjacking is a technique used by hackers or spammers to trick or cheat the users into clicking on links or buttons that are hidden from normal view (usually links color is same as page background). Clickjacking is possible because of a security weakness in web browsers that allows web pages to be layered and hidden from general view. In this situation what happens is that You think that you are clicking on a standard button or link, like the PLAY button or download button on an video or some stuff, but you are really clicking on a hidden link. Since you can’t see the clickjacker’s hidden link, you have no idea what you’re really doing. You could be downloading malware or making all your Facebook information public without realizing it. Some good hackers make ajax keyloggers and put them as javascripts over their fake websites and when you open them they retrieve all your passwords stored in web browser and records whatever you type while the web browser is open and stores this information on their servers. There are several types of clickjacking but the most common is to hide a LIKE button under a dummy or fake button. This technique is called Likejacking. A scammer or hacker might trick you by saying that you like a product you’ve never heard. At first glance, likejacking sounds more annoying than harmful, but that’s not always true. If you’re scammed for liking Mark Zukenberg​, the world isn’t likely to end. But you may be helping to spread spam or possibly sending Friends somewhere that contains malware. How It Work?The like button is made hidden and it moves along with the mouse.So, wherever the user clicks, the like button is clicked and your fan page is liked.First download the JavaScript from the below download link. Mediafire After downloading the script extract all the files.Now modify the Continue reading



We all know that being in love with someone give you a beautiful and unforgettable feelings.
Now to keep that special someone, ladies there are things you’ll need to keep in mind.
So here are 20 important facts you need to keep in mind to make you man stay in that relationship with you:

  1. When you keep calm as a lady, you drive him
    crazy, keeping him thinking that there is some thing peculiar about you.
  2. When he send’s you abusive message, do not reply back with abusive word, if you must reply. Write “am sorry”. Or thank you.
  3. No man liked to be talked back to. If you must be a wife material, just shot up. When he is calm, talk things over. Don’t be arrogant, be humble.

4. Don’t be carried away by your beauty. Have you
not seen beautiful ladies that are still single till date? Your good character will keep him.
5. Do not compare him with your EX. There are
thousands of other ladies out there. Forget about the past,old things have past way.

6. Don’t always be at the receiving end, buy him
some thing, no matter how little it is, whether he has thousands of it, just buy it, yours is unique.
7. Be industrious, men like ladies with industrious

8. Respect him and his family members.
9. Be a good cook, learn how to cook something.
10. Call him when you have credit, don’t be a
chronic flasher. Don’t always wait for him to call.
11. Value yourself, and he will value you.
12. Because he doesn’t have today does not make
him poor, look at what drives Him.
13. Look out, if he is a time waster or he is for real.
14. Can he “fight” both physical and spiritual for you?
15. Where is He? In God’s presence or on the other
16. If he stammers, when he is introducing you to
friends and family member. Run.
17. What you can’t change in Him now that you are dating, am sorry in marriage you wont be able to change it either, or you will spend the rest of. your life trying to change him.

18. You are dating and he punches you at every
slightest misunderstanding. Sorry, when you marry him, your bed room will be a “changing room” and your pallor a “boxing Ring”
19. Every little time, he threaten to break up with you. You start crying, if you leave me i will die. Taaaa! Come off it, who told you? A better person who will value you is coming. Relax.

20. Above all. Ask yourself! What is GOD saying
about the Relationship? May God open your eyes if you ar already into one, and if you are still searching May God lead you in Jesus Name.


A South African named ‘Allan West’ caused Uproar on Twitter when he leaked Nak*d picture of his Ex girlfriend with the Caption ‘Consequences of breakin up wth me ‘

He Received a lot of bashing from Twitter users as they went hard abusing him and calling him all sort of names, Despite the insult, he went ahead and posted another Picture with the Caption ‘The more they dump me…the more nudes! ‘ showing another nak*d girl…

Ladies, be smart and careful with who you share your nude pix with!


They say the world is a very unfair place to be and yes it is. When someone decides to make others pay for what other people did to them way back. This is a story of Mary Munene,

a University student saw it good to infect 90 men with an STD and AIDs just to pay back to what her fellow student did to her.
This is what the lady had to post.

Mary Munene:
As a woman,you undergo through a lot in life,especially campus. This environment ain’t friendly at all though ladies enjoy it the most.
As a first year,I broke my virginity the second week. That’s when I got STI from a 4th year student leader at KU. Since then,I’ve been able to sleep with a range of student leaders across different universities who f*ck me without any protection. I’m compelled to write their names here as a caution to all freshas who just joined. I’ll start with 1-20 tonight:
1. Stephen Mwadime-ku. Fuck3d me at Kilimambogo hostels room number 34 the left bed.

  1. George Njuguna, Moi,hostel H room 329
  2. Jeremiah Oti,Moi hostel j room 213

  3. George Thuku,Ku Nyayo 1 room 109

  4. James Maina Wachira,TUK,Nairobi west in a lodging.

  5. Kennedy Mutua, UoN,mamlaka A room 78

  6. Ambrose Wari,made no fuck3d me near car wash kisumu

  7. Justus Onyango, Ku Kilimanjaro room 07

  8. Obwaka Eddy,TUK night stand at nyayo during games.

  9. Ferdinand maina, uon hall 9 room 334

  10. Raggot ,TUK

  11. William wafula, maseno

  12. Kiplagat James, Egerton

  13. Paul Kahoro, maasai mara.

  14. Quincy Fred Muya, uon lower kabete

  15. Trillions Niko,Uon,mamlaka b

  16. George a bade,Ku

  17. Fredrick kamere,TUM

  18. Williamson Kariuki , made no

  19. David kirimi, chuka

To be continued.

This is what the sane lady had to post just to make a point. This has been what ladies in Universities term as pay back..